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This is a new implementation of a chia plotter which is designed as a processing pipeline, similar to how GPUs work, only the “cores” are normal software CPU threads. As a result this plotter is able to fully max out any storage device’s bandwidth, simply by increasing the number of “cores”, ie. threads.

Dowload last release v0.1.6-chives

Join Chives Pool - Chives coin (XCC) pool with NFT plots support



For <poolkey> and <farmerkey> see output of `chia keys show`.
To plot for pools, specify <contract> address via -c instead of <poolkey>, see `chia plotnft show`.
<tmpdir> needs about 220 GiB space, it will handle about 25% of all writes. (Examples: './', '/mnt/tmp/')
<tmpdir2> needs about 110 GiB space and ideally is a RAM drive, it will handle about 75% of all writes.
Combined (tmpdir + tmpdir2) peak disk usage is less than 256 GiB.
In case of <count> != 1, you may press Ctrl-C for graceful termination after current plot is finished,
or double press Ctrl-C to terminate immediately.

  chia_plot [OPTION...]

  -k, --size arg       K size (default = 32, k <= 32)
  -x, --port arg       Network port (default = 8444, chives = 9699)
  -n, --count arg      Number of plots to create (default = 1, -1 = infinite)
  -r, --threads arg    Number of threads (default = 4)
  -u, --buckets arg    Number of buckets (default = 256)
  -v, --buckets3 arg   Number of buckets for phase 3+4 (default = buckets)
  -t, --tmpdir arg     Temporary directory, needs ~220 GiB (default = $PWD)
  -2, --tmpdir2 arg    Temporary directory 2, needs ~110 GiB [RAM] (default = <tmpdir>)
  -d, --finaldir arg   Final directory (default = <tmpdir>)
  -w, --waitforcopy    Wait for copy to start next plot
  -p, --poolkey arg    Pool Public Key (48 bytes)
  -c, --contract arg   Pool Contract Address (62 chars)
  -f, --farmerkey arg  Farmer Public Key (48 bytes)
  -G, --tmptoggle      Alternate tmpdir/tmpdir2 (default = false)
  -K, --rmulti2 arg    Thread multiplier for P2 (default = 1)
      --help           Print help     

Your donation will help me build new versions:
XCH: xch1vhfnguq36yya0kzc0a0wr9yyj5cm2cefsukcu45jef3x3zpjpa7qc888nm
BTC: 17w2HvVdHnkACZnATMqZov5LJkx2EFUFdz
ETH: 0x0dd101c83341e0c43cc95514ca731092b14dea8b
LTC: LViokiXWfyjD4M9LErhGmdt3uzDvmVo3pC
DOGE: DRqJFr9ityNoL7v6oSnsZq2mh3VJBZm8pY

Build based on madMAx43v3r source code, check his github.
He is a legend!

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